Friday, February 18, 2011

Latest survivals

Lately, John and I have jumped some hurdles! But we are enjoying every step.

Last Saturday we spent the whole day getting his jeep fixed at the mechanic.  This didn't sound very difficult, but to get a cheaper deal, we were told what parts to get and where to buy them! So we proceeded to run around town with these parts that we haven't ever heard of written down on this grimy piece of paper from the mechanic. I had no idea that 50% of the parts you buy, however, are defective! Whatdya know! But, it was such a fun day and LOTS of laughs were had between J and I.  And the best part was that we had just enough money in our car repair envelope, ha! Shout out to Dave Ramsey!

I have been a little under the weather this week.. well, actually for our entire marriage thus far! I think I've picked up everything my kids at school have had- and I mean everything! So I finally broke down and went to the doctor yesterday.  After the appointment, three prescriptions, and some TLC from the hubs, I'm feeling much better already!!

We had a leaky sink, dirty air filter, mystery stuff growing in our freezer, and a broken squirt nozzle on the sink! But it's all fixed!! well, almost all of it :) What can we say! Marriage is definitely a work in progress!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Husband Redemption

So this afternoon, I walked into our apartment and was greeted by my smiling hubby... and the stench of rotten garbage... that my smiling hubby had forgotten to take out this morning.  But all is well in the Bass household. JB redeemed himself! Wondering how? He hacked into the neighbor's wifi- I am overjoyed to have internet access! Even if it may be slightly wrong.  So long McDonalds parking lot with free wifi.

I have missed blogging! So much has happened this last month that needed to be blogged, if only for my own pleasure.  So, if the neighbors don't decide to create a wifi password, I shall be back on bassbliss soon to blog! Goodnight!