Monday, May 28, 2012


My sweet grandparents have a green thumb and can grow just about anything! I am praying that I inherited some of that... but from the look of my ferns, it doesn't look promising. ;) They invited me over to pick some of their fresh blueberries from their backyard the other day.  I was able to fill a half gallon bucket full of the most beautiful ripe berries I have ever seen! After a great visit with my Nana, I took the blueberries home and starting hunting what I could make with them. Here's the cute pinterest idea I wanted to try:

The recipe said to put your blueberries on the wooden skewer, roll the berries in vanilla yogurt, then freeze. But when I did it, I couldn't even bite off a berry. They were frozen to the stick! I couldn't get them to slide off either. So this is a bust, but I did decide to dip more (individual) blueberries in yogurt and drop them on a sheet of wax paper, then freeze.  YUM!  Those popped right off the paper and worked out perfectly :) 

 I am so thankful for such wonderful, God- believing, prayerful grandparents. I pray that more than just their green thumb is passed down to my generation.  

Friday, May 25, 2012

Chicken and Toffee

Summer time!! Today was my first day on summer vacation! I am determined to be a productive wife, housekeeper, cook, and crafter while I'm off of school, so I am going to TRY something. I want to try and  make at least 2 things from Pinterest every week. I have been "pinning" all sorts of things, but have not actually done any of these! I'm a pinterest fraud, I guess. But not for long! :) Hope you join me on my journey! 

Tonight I made "Man pleasing chicken" from my recipe folder.

 It sounded super easy and different from the normal sauces I usually make, so I thought I'd give it a shot.  And the name suggested my sweet JB might like it too :). All in all, I'd give it 8 out of 10. Next time, I would do 1/4 cup syrup and 1/4 dijon, instead of the measurements the recipe suggested. 

I also made "Saltine Cracker Toffee" from my recipe folder.. but it did NOT turn out the way I wanted.. Here is a picture of what it was supposed to look like..

I never made it past the cracker step though. You are supposed to melt the butter and brown sugar, then pour it over your crackers, but when I did that, I failed to remember that my cookie sheet full of crackers did not have an edge to catch the excess syrup-y mixture... So it dripped to the bottom of my oven and burned/stuck :(. Thus stinking up the entire house and making a humongous mess. I'll reattempt this recipe again later. For now, I have an oven to clean.