Friday, March 18, 2011

My New LOVE!!


This is Paxton, the sweet quarter horse I have fallen for :).

I have discovered my xanadu (thanks Mrs. Fobes). I have fallen in love with horseback riding!!! In early high school, I took a few English riding lessons at a nearby stable, but because of the time and costs involved, I had to give it up.  Ever since then, I have wished that I could either take lessons again or just plain ride with someone I know.  At our last family get-together, some of John's cousins invited us to come out and ride their horses whenever! So I have taken them up on it and am loving every minute! John hasn't ridden yet because of his knee recovery, but it is my favorite hobby as of late.  There is something so exciting about riding fast on a horse! I guess it's sort of like people's fascination with fast cars, racing, nascar, etc. ?? This is definitely my fascination!
Paxton, aka Punkin', is a mild tempered 12 year old who
loves people!

If I could ride everyday and not feel selfish about utilizing my time like that, I would.  Just wanted to share my new obsession with the blog world :). I hope everyone has something they love doing as much as I love doing this.  If not, get outside and get searching! :)

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