Thursday, December 30, 2010

Married Life is Awesome!

That title was stolen entirely from my husband- my HUSBAND! That's JB! ;) And that's what he is now! It's just so fun to say!  But I have to say that I completely agree! Being married to your best friend is wonderful!!

Some of the ups!

1. Not having to go home! It's like one long sleep over with your bestie ;).. only he is a boy
2. Learning to cook- So far: green bean/ bacon bundles, fried chicken, and sweet potatoes
3. Wearing wedding bands!
4. Learning each other's quirks- amazingly we didn't know everything about each other! even after dating   for almost a decade! imagine that.
5. Deciding how to decorate/ arrange/ clean our apartment together!

Some of the downers...

1. We don't have a dish washer- but we take turns doing kitchen duty!
2. Our dinner plates from the registry don't fit in the microwave.. bummer.
3. Paying bills, which means we have to go to work everyday (but we are so thankful for our great jobs!)

We feel so blessed and completely "blissful" if you will, to be finally married. The wedding was wonderful and we were able to celebrate it with many people we love.  Now we are busy settling into the apartment, jobs, and living life together. And we are having a blast! :)

1 comment:

  1. AHH!! The "never saying goodbye, just goodnight" is my FAVORITE part of married life too! I love sleepovers with my husband. I love laying in our bed talking about our dreams. Newlywed-dome is the sweetest and most exciting time in my life by far! Thank you for sharing this super sweet post-wedding blog. I love it.
